Wednesday 14 January 2009

My first completed task!

I've crossed my first item off the list.

OK, so it was something I bought. Not very challenging, I've bought a Russian Ushanka hat off ebay. I've wanted a Russian military style hat for years and they are really in this year so I've treated myself to one at a cost of £14. I 've been looking at them for about 3 weeks and just thought - do it, it's what you want and it's the cheapest price available.

It's one of the few styles of hat that suit me and will be great for taking my dog out when it's cold. I have a bit of a problem with hats as my head is quite big! I blame it on all my hair, but I do seem to have a bit head. The hats were all in different sizes so following some measuring, I hope I've bought the right size.
I've also decided that I will turn the text purple for completed items and dark red for tasks in progress.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Well done you! It is a fantastic feeling to tick something off the list (do we get a picture of you in the hat when it arrives?)
