Thursday 15 January 2009

Did it!! Donated 2800 grains of rice through FreeRice! It didn't take long -probably only an hour, tops. I stuck to the Maths and English questions and took the opportunity to see how good my (very) basic Spanish is. I avoided the Chemical symbols after a couple of wrong answers straight off and avoided Famous Paintings altogether - decided to stay in the areas I knew I could rack up the rice quickly!
I've also lost 8 pounds in the last 2 weeks (148 to go - eekk!) so I've turned number red dark red as it's now 'in progress'.


  1. Well done on the weight losss, thats a great amount to lose in two weeks.

  2. cheers Dannie........lonnnnnnnnng way to go though sadly and I'm all too aware of how easily I've failed in the past!!!

  3. wow 8 pounds - thats well on the way to a stone! keep it up!

    thanks for the freerice thing. i finally decided to have a look and see what it's all about. had a very enjoyable 30 mins clicking away testing my recall of GCSE maths and chemistry!
