Saturday 31 January 2009

More moisturising of ankles, read motivational message for the day and I've emailed Gail and it hasn't bounced back, so I must have the right email addy now. I've turned 'find Gail' red as i've contacted her......hopefully it will go purple with a reply in return!

I've mopped the kitchen floor - well, way hey you think! My house is very tidy, but I tend to 'ignore' stuff like mopping floors, big scale dusting - far too much like hard work! However, it needs to be done more regularly I've started on mop the kitchen floor monthly for the next 6 broke my mop however, so being Miss Housework 2009 is now going to cost me the price of a new mop...........sheesh........

Friday 30 January 2009

More moisturising and motivational reading done. Thought of something to go on my new list last night and now I've forgotten!

Number 21: To find and speak to Gail.......

Gail was my best friend at school and even stayed with me each weekend at Uni as she took a year out. We lost contact when she went to University and I've tried for years to find her to get back in contact. I managed to find out she had been teaching in London, then possibly went abroad for a few years. Apart from that, absolute blank. I'd looked on all social networking sites and put shouts out on 'looking for' forums, but to no avail and I guessed she just didn't want to be found or wasn't very into the internet.......

imagine my surprise when yesterday, her younger sister found me on Facebook! I nearly fell off my chair!

I have found out Gail has 2 children and her younger sister is going to pass on my email address and try to get her to join Facebook. After all these years of searching, it's great that something has suddenly happened as I had thoughts of after 1001 days me not ever finding her.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

I've decided on the next task to tackle on Learning to Live Yourself More. I've gone for 'saying goodbye'........basically it's about writing a goodbye note to someone or something and really meaning it. I will probably do it over the next couple of days. I know what I am ready to say goodbye to - and mean it.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

More moisurising (almost forgot!) and more motivational reading.

Today's piece starts

"Make a promise to yourself and keep it. There's something that you've always desired, and now is the time to make it real." It then goes on to say that you must choose something that challenges you and has eluded you in the past. My instant promise is to lose weight and keep it off, but I thought - well, my 101 in 1001 is a series of promises, so my promise is to complete the 101 challenge in the 1001 days. Some of the list is easy to complete, some is time consuming, some will really test me in a number of ways.

But I promise to complete my list.

Monday 26 January 2009

Well, I'm moisturised, motivated and I've picked up the Tandy electronics kit I bought from Ebay so it's a bit of progress! I don't think I'll have time to look at the kit until the weekend but it's here at least.

Planning ahead for next month, I'm definitely going to tackle 15 NSD's (No Spend Days) in February. NSD's are where, apart from any bills on direct debit, you don't spend 1 penny on anything. I had my finances in really good shape after paying off debt and then getting a redundancy and a grievance payout, but life has meant the savings are reducing and some debt is creeping back into my life. Having a month of being very conscious about what I spend and when should help me start to re-focus.

Sunday 25 January 2009

No motivational piece today as it's Sunday.

Started a month of moisturising the dry bit on my ankles - not exactly earth shattering, but it's something I need to do.

I don't really take much care of myself beauty routine wise - I'm a wash face with soap kind of gal, maybe my next 101 in 1001 list should include more 'me' pampering stuff.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Carrying on with reading the daily motivational message.

Feeling a bit low generally at the moment, mostly due to lack of money whilst I re-build my career.

Over the next couple of days I'm going to start number 44. Moisturise the dry bit on my ankles daily for a month. I have a dry patch on the bottom of each shin. I think it is because I often wear 3/4 length trousers and the material catches/rubs when I'm out walking my dog, particularly in winter, I've noticed. When I go on holiday, this bit of skin gets a bit of a rash after a couple of days in the sun, so I've decided to try a bit of moisturiser each day for a month as I'm on holiday at the end of March for a week.

Thursday 22 January 2009

I've had an email from my local Volunteers Centre with a list of all the volunteering opportunities after I signed up with Timebank. It is a 28 page list of organisations looking for a variety of volunteers. At the moment, I work in 3 jobs and am struggling to make ends meet as I'm on a low salary and to be honest, I don't think I can commit to the time. However, I have 900+ days left and I'm planning to have my work situation changed this year so at least I am registered and know the kind of opportunities available when I have a more stable financial situation.

I lost another 4 pounds so am still on track for number 1 on my list! That's a 12 pound loss in 3 weeks.

I've also had a card from the PO saying I have a parcel to collect which must be the radio kit.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

I've bought a radio kit from Ebay! It's the Tandy 1982 Electronics Lab and it's the one I used to want! Very exciting, it should be here in a few days.

I've registered with Timebank as one of the items on my list is to do some volunteering with them. Not sure when it will happen, but at least I'm registered with them, which is a start.

Weigh in for my diet tomorrow morning, so hopeful I'm a tiny step closer to the challenge of getting my first 3 stone off.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

I've made a start on number 101 - a new 101 in 1001 list ! I have 2 items on it at the moment.

I might make a start tomorrow on another challenge.

Other than that, not much happening. I'm going to read my motivational message for the day :-)

Monday 19 January 2009

Cross with myself. I forgot about the Tandy radio kit finishing on Ebay yesterday. was 100% complete and everything, what a pain.

Ah well, I still have a long time to find another!

Read my motivational message and tomorrow will choose something else to tackle.

Sunday 18 January 2009

I've done 1 of the 3 assignments I've challenged myself to do from the Learning to Love You More website.

I did number 27:

'Take a picture of the sun'.

The picture is a sunset - the view from my PC out of my window.

The Motivational site doesn't have a Sunday posting, so I'll be back on there tomorrow.
The Tandy radio set finishes on Ebay soon, so hopefully I can get that, then when it arrives, I can have a go at building it and complete another one on the list!

Saturday 17 January 2009

Well, I'm continuing to motivate myself with the daily motivational site and I'm still on the wagon, diet wise.

Next, I'm going to start tackling number 97: Complete and submit 3 tasks from Learning to Love You More website. I'm going to go over there and have a look at the list.

Friday 16 January 2009

oooh, my. I decided to have a trip back to my childhood and to try to fulfil a dream I've had since I was about 10.

On a Saturday, I would go into town with my Mum and would stand outside Tandy whilst she went in and paid the weekly HP payment on the stereo /record player the family had. I used to look in the window and was fascinated by the cuild your own radio kit and dreamed of having one. I never even mentioned it so there's no surprise I never got one!

I decided to start looking for one, never dreaming I'd find the exact one over 20 years later - but they are still out there in Ebay land!

I will do some watching over the coming days and decide when to buy.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Next on the list to turn dark read and put into progress.....number 98 'Read the Daily Motivational message on every day for a month'.

This is a daily piece which is really inspirational and whilst I'm in a positive state of mind to lose weight, I find the site great for my self esteem. Today's though I thought was very apt for the beginning of my 101 in 1001 journey and indeed number 1 of 31 for this challenge.....

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Make yourself heard Make progress instead of promises. You are not known by the promises you make, but rather by the value you create.
Actions do indeed speak louder than words. Every positive, productive action builds your credibility and polishes your reputation.
The way to be impressive is to do impressive and valuable things. Instead of wasting your time posing as a successful person, get busy with the real and persistent efforts that will truly make you successful.
True accomplishment is infinitely better than the mere appearance of accomplishment. The way to gain the sincere respect and admiration of others is to make positive and valuable things happen.
Those who shout loudly and yet do nothing will eventually be ignored or laughed at. Those who work quietly and consistently end up gaining the greatest influence.
Instead of just talking about it, step forward and do it. Without saying a word, you can make yourself heard with the quality of your actions.
-- Ralph Marston

Did it!! Donated 2800 grains of rice through FreeRice! It didn't take long -probably only an hour, tops. I stuck to the Maths and English questions and took the opportunity to see how good my (very) basic Spanish is. I avoided the Chemical symbols after a couple of wrong answers straight off and avoided Famous Paintings altogether - decided to stay in the areas I knew I could rack up the rice quickly!
I've also lost 8 pounds in the last 2 weeks (148 to go - eekk!) so I've turned number red dark red as it's now 'in progress'.
ok, which to start with.......well, just looking through my list, I've realised one is going to happen which I had forgotten I'd even added to my list!

I have been asked if I want to do a 1 day basic First Aid course at work next month, I've said yes, so that will be number 64 done.

I'm still at the stage of easing myself in gently so I'm going to start on number 67 - "Donate 2800 grams of rice through FreeRice (that will feed 1 person for a week)" , might as well start now!

Wednesday 14 January 2009

My first completed task!

I've crossed my first item off the list.

OK, so it was something I bought. Not very challenging, I've bought a Russian Ushanka hat off ebay. I've wanted a Russian military style hat for years and they are really in this year so I've treated myself to one at a cost of £14. I 've been looking at them for about 3 weeks and just thought - do it, it's what you want and it's the cheapest price available.

It's one of the few styles of hat that suit me and will be great for taking my dog out when it's cold. I have a bit of a problem with hats as my head is quite big! I blame it on all my hair, but I do seem to have a bit head. The hats were all in different sizes so following some measuring, I hope I've bought the right size.
I've also decided that I will turn the text purple for completed items and dark red for tasks in progress.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Brave new world.

Well, after all the work of thinking what to do, I need to think about where to start as the clock is now ticking!

I've just calculated my end date as Tuesday, 11 October 2011. That could be a very busy Tuesday if I've still got a load of things to do!

I know what I'm like - I will tackle the easy stuff and push all the more challenging stuff right to the end!

Monday 12 January 2009

101 tasks in 1001 days - Day Zero

Well, here goes. I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to decide on my 101 tasks in 1001 days. The blog might need a bit of tweaking so I can put the list down the side - I'm a blog virgin!

This is my 101 tasks in 1001 days list, some will seem meaningless to any readers passing by this way, but i'll probably explain all as I go along!

1. Lose 3 stone
2. Lose 5 stone
3. Lose 7 stone
4. Be 11 stone 7 pounds
5. Be able to drive without fear
6. Drive from home to Dorchester
7. Have a non sub-prime mortgage
8. Learn Spanish to conversation level
9. Build a build your own radio kit
10. Complete CTLLS qualification
11. Complete DTLLS qualification
12. To have a minimum of £15,000 in savings and to still have it at the end of the 1001 days
13. Go to the cinema
14. Go to see Nanna and Granddad.
15. Be competent in Excel
16. Be in a full time job with a salary of over £22,000
17. See Billy
18. Wear a swimming costume
19. To have no clothes in the wardrobe over a size 18
20. To have sold all clothes which are too big
21. To find and speak to Gail
22. Go to Brownsea Island
23. Hold a dinner party
24. Learn cake decorating
25. Do an art class of over 1 session
26. Do a jewellery course of over 1 session
27. Attend every DFW ‘full’ meet
28. Travel to Leeds to see Jo twice
29. Travel to Telford to see Kassi twice
30. To have replaced the bathroom and toilet
31. To make a will
32. Clean the bathroom and toilet weekly (properly) for 4 months in a row (0/16)
33. Hoover the house weekly for 6 months in a row (0/24)
34. Mop the kitchen floor monthly for 6 months in a row (0/6)
35. Visit Russia
36. Go horse racing
37. Be debt free
38. Have sex
39. Have an Indian Head Massage
40. Have an eagle/hawk land on my arm in falconry
41. Do a Race for Life, even if I walk the whole way
42. Go horse riding
43. Be able to walk around the cycle track 3 times at once for a month each day
44. Moisturise the dry bit on my ankles daily for a month (0/31)
45. Have a facial at a beauty salon
46. Have a manicure at a salon
47. Buy a flute
48. Go to see Karen and Mike in London for cocktails
49. Go on the chocolate making course in Bournemouth
50. Buy a Wii
51. Buy a Wii Fit
52. Go and see Kate
53. Go on a rollercoaster – even if it is a child’s one!
54. Go to a West End show in London
55. Get my head around Matched Betting and make £500 from it
56. Send a secret to Post Secret
57. Perform an Act of Random Kindness
58. Wear a knee length skirt
59. Buy a pair of jeans
60. Go camping
61. Go to a music concert of some kind
62. Own a pair of boots which will actually zip up
63. Learn to make jam
64. Get my First Aid certificate
65. Have a night somewhere on the cocktails with Christine
66. Get 1 part of my body waxed (at least once)
67. Donate 2800 grams of rice through FreeRice (that will feed 1 person for a week)
68. Not eat chocolate or any chocolate related product for 1 month (0/31)
69. Not check WH texts for 1 month (0/31)
70. Make homemade butter
71. Not drink alcohol for 1 month (0/31)
72. Have a loft ladder fitted
73. Use the loft ladder
74. Successfully grow 2 different kinds of vegetable in a grow bag
75. Have 15 NSD’s in 1 month (0/15)
76. Take part in a carol singing concert as a singer
77. Go on the tethered balloon in Bournemouth
78. Go to Cherbourg on the ferry
79. Watch Mama Mia (film version)
80. Go to an Abba tribute night
81. Buy a Russian furry hat
82. Learn basic sign language
83. Do something via Time Bank
84. Have a short story on any subject printed
85. Say nothing negative about W on DFW for 1 month (0/31)
86. Have the hall laminated
87. Have all the doors replaced in the house
88. Go to a Burlesque show
89. Grow some tomatoes and make a batch of chutney
90. Post a home made video on You Tube
91. Clear the bottom 2 rows of the front garden of weeds fortnightly from May to Aug 09
92. Clear the bottom 2 rows of the front garden of weeds fortnightly from May to Aug 2010
93. Cut the rhododendron bush back 3 times in 2009
94. Cut the rhododendron bush back 3 times in 2010
95. Clear the weeds from the back garden in the gravelled area in May 2009 and keep clear until end of Aug 09
96. Clear the weeds from the back garden in the gravelled area in May 2010 and keep clear until end of Aug 2010
97. Complete and submit 3 tasks from Learning to Love You More
98. Read the Daily Motivational message on every day for a month (0/31)
99. Have a go at belly dancing
100. Blog my 101 task journey from start to finish
101. Do a new 101 task list!